how to expand the available app memory a bit on an Archos 101 without root access

One of the disadvantages of the Archos 101 is the limited memory space for Apps. Ofcourse it runs on Froyo, so you can use Apps2Sd, but a lot of Apps don't support that.

Now if there was an easy and simple way to root the device, I would do that and then I could create an additional ext partition and use Link2Sd (like I do on my HTC Hero), which works like a charm and leaves you with more space then you'll ever need for Apps ...
Unfortunately with the latest official firmware Archos has plugged some of the holes to an easy root, so you have to go pretty far (flashing the rom) to achieve this now, which is something I might do, as soon as there's a working Honeycomb version for the 101, but for now I want to stick to the official rom.

So is there nothing to be done then? Well no, you can use this method:
Contrary to the title it does NOT allow you to move all apps to the sdcard, but it does allow you to move more of them, freeing up some of that valuable space.
I'm using it and it works well (and doesn't require root access).
To get the ADB up and running was a bit of a hassle, but it's not impossible, just follow the procedure found at Archos: (under ADB).
I did ran in to a few problems, but those can be solved if you look here: (it's necessary to reboot your tablet after enabling USB debugging mode and unlike on the Archos site you should not put "echo" before the instruction in the .ini file and you need to restart the ADB server, as explained in the link above).

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